Acupuncture is a treatment performed by inserting needles into defined points on the body and in the ear. The main aim of acupuncture is to stimulate the body systems' own healing mechanisms and to provide treatment of diseases.
Acupuncture is a treatment system that has been practiced in China for centuries. However, it is practiced not only in China and the Far East but also in many European countries such as Germany, Austria and France.
As of today, there are nearly 16000 scientific publications on acupuncture. This method, which has proven its effectiveness in many diseases, has taken its place in the literature as a method recommended in treatment guidelines, especially in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the effectiveness of acupuncture is based on ensuring that the life energy called Qi, which circulates in our body like blood, is smooth and balanced. If the Qi energy has a smooth and balanced flow, all hormonal, nervous and functional systems function well as a whole and a state of health is realized. In fact, Traditional Chinese Medicine also includes a diagnostic method according to the characteristics of Qi flow. However, today, acupuncture practitioners usually diagnose and plan treatment according to modern medical methods. In our clinic, we make treatment protocols using both diagnostic methods.
When acupuncture points on the body are examined, it is found that these points are areas rich in vascular and nerve networks. Acupuncture points are cone-shaped, narrow on the skin, widening more towards the subcutaneous area and are places where mild pain is felt when pressed. Each acupuncture point has effects on nearby and distant areas. In acupuncture treatment, these points are used according to their properties and the meridian where they are located. Especially the acupuncture points called systemically effective acupuncture points are selected according to the cause of the disease and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
In most of the clinical studies on acupuncture, it is possible to achieve antirheumatic effect, pain relief effect, sedative effect, anidepressant effect, increase or decrease of chemical substances, as well as many effects such as dilation/contraction of vessels, regulation of bowel movements, regulation of heart rhythm, reduction of edema, regulation of immunity, muscle relaxation by stimulating the relevant acupuncture point.
Acupuncture therapy reduces pain, regulates muscle tone and blood circulation. Due to these effects, acupuncture has a wide range of applications, especially in musculoskeletal diseases. In addition, the antidepressant effect provided by acupuncture helps patients to improve their sleep and mood. For example, acupuncture is used very successfully in cases of tension, anxiety and restlessness during the exam period.
Since the immune system is supported with acupuncture, protection against infectious diseases can be provided. In this respect, acupuncture is an effective treatment method in inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Acupuncture has also been observed to be effective in hormonal diseases. These diseases can be listed as painful menstruation and menstrual irregularities, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome. Many infertility and IVF centers recommend and use acupuncture before IVF. According to scientific data, acupuncture not only regulates menstruation in polycystic ovary syndrome, but also eliminates acne, reduces hair loss and regulates blood lipid ratios.
Acupuncture can also be used effectively in dysfunctional diseases of the internal organs such as irritable bowel syndrome. Treatment can be achieved by detecting intestinal food sensitivity and regulating diet and regular acupuncture sessions.
Another disease group in which acupuncture is successful is all types of migraine and headache. All kinds of neuropathic conditions; nerve compression (such as carpal tunnel syndrome), trigeminal neuralgia, diabetic neuropathies, restless leg syndrome are within the treatment area of acupuncture.
Acupuncture has also been observed to be effective in addiction patients. For this reason, acupuncture can be applied for weight loss and getting rid of the smoking habit.
With acupuncture, there is a remedy for patients in every subject except for cases such as emergency trauma such as surgery.
Diseases treated with acupuncture are increasing day by day. For example, as Maraş Health, we successfully perform acupuncture treatment in neck hernia. For the first time in Turkey, Dr. Ismail Maras performed the treatment of neck hernia with acupuncture.
We are all familiar with the traditional medical method of examining a patient by asking the patient certain questions (anamnesis) and using certain findings such as films, analyzes and tests. Acupuncture examination includes all of these.
The acupuncture examination also includes additional diagnostic methods:
It can be applied once a week or twice a week if necessary. 12 sessions can be considered a cure. Signs of improvement should be seen after 3-4 treatments at the latest. In acute painful conditions such as low back pain, sciatica; Combining it with treatments such as cupping, leech, PRP, mesotherapy increases its effect even more.