The term neural therapy or neural treatment is used in the sense of stimulating and regulating the body's network for healing.
The autonomic nervous system is the network that covers our whole body. It does not consist of nerves like a cable. It is a matrix system consisting of the electrical potential of the cell, intercellular fluid and nerves.
Neural therapy regulates the autonomic nervous system. Negative stimuli in the interference fields are neutralized.
Bio-electrical damage to the autonomic nervous system is at the root of our diseases and persistent pain. Microbial diseases, surgeries, accidents, physical and psychological traumas that we go through throughout our lives can cause bio-electrical problem areas.
When our tonsils become inflamed, when a tooth decays, when we have dental treatment or after an operation such as a caesarean section, the communication network in that area is affected. Bio-electrical damage can occur, which can be permanent for life. Neural therapy applied to the skin of these so-called interference fields corrects the communication disorder.
Neural therapy may be perceived as an injection therapy, but the aim is not to inject drugs with a needle. In fact, its most important therapeutic feature is that it gives the physician a disturbance field approach. Thus, the physician gains a perspective that provides serious guidance in finding the source of the disease.
Diseases in which Neural Therapy is applied: