Metabolic Balance isa "personalized balanced nutrition program" that provides balance in the human body.
It brings success in a short time, but it is not a short-term diet program. It is a system that teaches the rules of healthy eating and ensures that they are put into practice.
It is not a diet based on calorie calculation. The foods that will lead to weight loss are determined according to blood values and personal data. During this determination, the glycemic load and metabolic characteristics of the person are taken into account rather than the calories of the foods.
If Metabolic Balance is evaluated according to the calorie classification, it is a system close to the low-calorie group, which can be applied in the hospital environment for a short period of time, although it is as effective as very low-calorie diets, it can be applied for a long time without restricting daily life. However, its success is closely related to the choice of food, the combination of food groups and the way of consumption rather than calorie adjustment.
The basis of Metabolic Balance is the preparation of a personalized nutrition plan. This plan is prepared after reviewing the person's current laboratory tests and health status.
It is arranged so that 40-45 percent of a person's daily energy is provided from carbohydrates, 30-35 percent from fats and 20-30 percent from proteins. In the Metabolic Balance system, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber foods are listed in each meal according to daily needs.
Metabolic Balance is not a diet program that fills the stomach with tasteless, salt-free, fat-free, light or appetite-suppressing artificial foods, but a healthy diet that is difficult to maintain; it is a healthy diet that ensures that the foods that the body needs are prepared and consumed in the most natural and delicious way in ideal proportions and can be sustained with pleasure for a lifetime.
In the Obesity Guidelines prepared by the Metabolic Endocrine Society, it is stated as follows how an acceptable diet program should be:
"On an acceptable diet program:
These criteria set by the Metabolic Endocrine Society also coincide with the Metabolic Balance system.
If a diet is like eating fish, Metabolic Balancing is learning how to catch fish, cook it deliciously and eat it in a healthy way.
If a healthy diet is the way of getting on a private or public transportation vehicle and reaching a destination from one place to another; Metabolic Balance is learning to reach the destination by using the personalized vehicle safely in all weather and road conditions, according to traffic rules.
Metabolic Balance is a weight-regulating metabolism program that not only helps to lose weight, but also to gain weight if necessary and to maintain an ideal weight. This program was developed by doctors and nutritionists under the guidance of Metabolic Endocrine Specialist Dr. Wolf Funfack.
With the help of a nutrition plan designed for you, your eating and drinking habits will become healthy and balanced.